Welcome to the playground for Automation Testing.

Please proceed to use this site to enhance your skills

Lets Automate...

Home Page

First thing we need to start with is automating the landing page of the site. Have a look around to see what we think needs to be automated for a starting point. A suggestion perhaps might be the site navigation?

General Content

Next we have a general content page that every site will have, filled with information relating to the sites purpose. This content can be varied in format/structure but will still require a review for automation.

Alternative Content

Following on we have Alternative formats to general content, here we have a variety of other possible aspects that might occur on a given site. Let's see what we automate and how.

Form Basics

Forms are a cornerstone of websites that provide the user interaction points for a variety of purposes. As such these will be prime candidate for automating testing, we shall go through this part in stages since the variety of form combinations that there can be.

A website to invest your learning in.

The purpose of this website is give you a platform from which you can use and invest your learning for automation testing in by automating the areas of this site for practical learning.


To enhance on your learning this site is also used in correspondence with a test course that has been created. In the course this site is used as part of the video format taught as well as used for exercise purposes within the course.
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